Friday 15 March 2013

I've got mega talented friends - 3. Matty Evans

So I have mega talented friends and this time it's Mr Matty Evans. We have just got back from Cheltenham (races) and visiting Matt so thought this would be the perfect time to big him up!

I was looking for a photo of matt and I found this one of the two of us. It made me laugh so now it's here...
He is a super genius with a spray can. Normally Matt runs around at 100 miles an hour chatting nonsense to anybody that will listen, but somehow, he manages to sit still enough to create incredible stencils to make awesome "graffiti" art.

Check out some of his shiz...

I think this is Matt's backgarden but I can't be sure because I didn't go out there...

Monkeys with KFC

A stencil Matt did for one of his friends who is a teacher, classroom

All of these photos have been stolen from his facebook, but walking around Cheltenham you can find quite a few Matty Evans pieces!

If you live in Brighton then you can check out his Cillit Bang Whale, let me know if you find it! I'll give you a hint that it is the Jubilee Street end of town! (I have been searching high and low through my photos for a photo of this but I can't find one... FAIL)

Matt doesn't have a website, or a twitter or anything that you can look him up on, mainly because he is currently studying a Masters in Landscape Design, but he's going to be famous so best to support him whilst he knows who his friends are ;)


Karli x

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